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About Us
Connecting on a personal level is an important part of our mission. On this page we present some details about our organization and the people behind it.
  • Overview
  • Mission Statement
  • Goals
  • Board Members

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FFCHS Projects & Goals: 2012


Live Saturday Nights - 9 pm EST/8 pm Central/7 pm Mountain/6 pm Pacific


FFCHS is a conference call group that began February 26, 2005. We presently have members in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, India, China, the Middle East, and Australia.

We are advocates of social change through peaceful means only.  We do not now nor will we ever condone any type of violence in our struggle for freedom. 

We meet at conference calls throughout the week for purposes of support, networking, and advocacy. Times and call-in information are listed on the "Conference Calls and Contacts" page at this site. It is our goal to bring awareness to local and state officials, Congress, the media, and the general public of harassment group activities, mostly consisting of organized stalking and electromagnetic torture, so that laws will be passed and other measures taken to free those entrapped in what is known to us as "the secret holocaust."


Mission Statement

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) is a human rights organization that identifies and networks with victims of organized stalking and remote electronic assaults, educates society about covert harassment issues, and advocates for citizens victimized by covert criminal elements.


In support of the mission statement, FFCHS establishes the following goals: (1) provide supportive services and promote self-help to remote-delivered electronic and group stalking victims for, although not limited to, unemployment, homelessness, workplace mobbing, psychological tactics, staged accidents, and vandalism; (2) network nationwide and worldwide with similar organizations, public benefit and charitable organizations, and health and community development agencies for the benefit of remote-delivered electronic and group stalking victims; and (3) promote the care and well-being of organized stalking and remote electronic assault victims who have few resources or avenues for a safe environment.

Derrick Robinson, President 
Timothy White, Executive Vice-President
Telecommunications Engineer
Krissi Stull, Vice-President

Max Williams, Secretary/Recorder/Archivist
Ph.D., Foreign Service, Ret.
Daniel L., M.D., member
Teresa Bender, RN, member


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